After world war i there was a general rebellion of youth against "old fashioned" ideas, particularly patriarchal family relationships . 一次世界大战后,青年们普遍反对“老式”思想,特别是反对家长式的家庭关系。
Nowadays, family relationship is very important to me 现在亲情对我来说非常重要。
How would you express family relationships in oop 如果使用oop,您将怎么表示家庭关系?
But sometimes it is hard to keep these family relationships 但有时则很难保持这种关系。
Walking for health promotes family relationships 健行活动连络家人情感
Dance with family members can strengthen family relationships 与家人一起参与,可增进感情。
The effect of family relationship and education mode on the health of teenagers 家庭关系及教育方式对青少年健康的影响
Codes for family relationship 家庭关系代码
Very likely you are blessed with some excellent friendships and family relationships 你很可能受到来自朋友和家人的祝福。
The quality of family relationships can also impact a person's long-term health 家庭关系的品质也会影响一个人的长期健康。